Version | Description of changes |
1.97 |
Updated FLAC library to 1.2.1, fixed 24-bit FLAC compression.
1.96.1 |
Updated FLAC library to 1.1.4, which handles FLAC files faster and may compress a bit better.
1.96 |
Fixed bug when dragging mouse outside window on FLAC files
Added commandline options for automatically splitting files
1.95.1 |
Fixed Dutch translation (CUE files)
Recording window shows kB i.s.o. MB
1.95 |
Removed directory tree in save dialog, now using browse button. This
should fix problems with large font settings as well.
1.94.4 |
Read W64 format (up to 4GB)
Bugfix: Sometimes "Scrollbar property out of range" message.
Tolerant for WAV headers with corrupted format descriptor
1.94 |
Read and write APE (Monkey's Audio Format)
Enhanced "split on interval" function, which looks for silence near the set time interval and splits on the most silent part there. Ideal for splitting (spoken) text.
Smarter "auto-numbering" of tracks, no longer numbers tracks that won't be saved
New directory tree in save dialog. Now shows desktop and network dirs.
1.93.1 |
Bugfix: Click at start of saved tracks (wrong version of file reader library
was compiled in 1.93).
1.93 |
CD Digital Audio Extraction ("rip")
More MP3 encoder settings for VBR and CBR
Drop CUE sheets on CD Wave to open them
Fixed Ctrl+arrow keys not functioning in list when editing text
Read FLAC files (yes, you can split FLAC files with CD Wave now)
LAME presets (equal to --alt preset standard
Internal Bits-per-sample and Stereo-Mono conversion, including 24 to 16
Internal sample rate conversion (to be improved, it's now equal to
what it was)
Improved huge file handling (>2GB)
1.92 |
Play single track
Bugfix - loading CUE sheets for non-redbook audio
Fixes in sector size for 48k, 96k and 32k recordings
Exports OGG Vorbis compressed audio
Exports FLAC compressed files
Exports MP3 files (need LAME codec)
1.91 |
Scrollbar instead of the green trackbar
Split while recording (and rename, delete splits)
Display update fixes (reduced flicker)
Write alternate 24-bit file format compatible with older programs
Properties displays clips and levels
and a few minor fixes...
1.9 |
Support for 24-bit sampling (recording and playback).
Support for multi-channel playback and split (up to 24 channels).
Support for 4-channel and dolby 5.1 channel recording.
1.82 |
Bugfix: 'Clear all splits' not functioning at all.
1.81 |
Bugfix: Could not insert a "c" in the track list.
1.8 |
Keyboard shortcuts added, for example the spacebar can be used to
start/stop playback
Internal changes that you shouldn't notice...
Remember last file/open location
1.76 |
Use arrow keys for cursor navigation (with ctrl/shift)
Fixed some "Large Font" screen issues
1.75 |
Fix bug in "Split at intervals" (when not using 44100Hz, stereo, 16-bit
Some Save dialog changes which you shouldn't see
1.74 |
Save tracks directory choser in modern style
Can rename and create directories when saving
Simple "start recording at" scheduler
1.73 |
Registration key system
Red line to indicate marker (different from 'cursor') |
1.72 |
Might have worked around the problem with files over 2GB in size on Win9x
versions |
1.71 |
Mouse scrollwheel for moving cursor (use CTRL/SHIFT to move faster or slower) |
1.70 |
Commandline options added, so you can use CD Wave for a scheduled recording
Continue recording using the APPEND mode. This is currently still in
experimental mode...
A message is displayed when recording stops because of a full disk |
1.62 |
On-line registration by
Few shortcuts for blind access |
1.61 |
Insert splits at regular time intervals
Fixed up/down cursor move bug |
1.6 |
Supports Audio Compression Manager (allows saving to MP3, ADPCM, ...)
Lower CPU while recording
Fixed play/pause/stop bug |
1.57 |
Handles huge (2..4GB) WAV files, and some invalid files
Immediately ready after recording (no opening...)
File/Properties gives information on file
Bottom cursor scrolls with playback (optional)
Cursor returns to "marker" after playback |
1.56 |
Self-installing EXE download (with uninstall)
Fixed bug causing CD Wave to crash on certain WAV files. |
1.55 |
Fixed bug in TITLE retrieval from cue sheets.
Different cursor behaviour. |
1.54 |
Updated addresses in help file.
Saves/Restores track TITLE names in cue sheets. |
1.53 |
Possibility to attach CDWave to .WAV files in Explorer. |
1.52 |
Fixed playback of trailing data in wave file
Added ability to select output device |
1.51 |
Remember last window position |
1.5 |
some UI changes (bitmaps in menu)
Overwrite confirmation
Fixed 1.44 incompatibility with Win95 pre-osr2 for disk space check |